Landscapes, ​Architecture and People


Photo for me, is sincere, quiet and relaxing.

I enjoy creating connections between photos, crafting the ​stories of landscapes, architecture and people.

—— M.A.O

Da​rlinghurst gaol

Black and white shots of the façade of ​the darlinghurst gaol's main bui​lding

"Taking an ​image, ​freezing a ​moment, ​reveals how ​rich reality ​truly is."

—— ​M.A.O


the stre​ets

Quick shots taken while ​exploring the architecture ​around Gaol’s st​reet side.


Photography style

Just like Sudoku, its rules and winning conditions are ​entirely "self-explanatory."

My photography style leans towards exploring the ​connections between photos, arranging them in a grid.

Telling the stories of these images.

Get in touch

+61 0416940729